Hexa Center


Patch update v1.0.1


We have patched the following:

  • Dossier screen crashing after adding a program without steps
  • Calendar not adjusting to screen size
  • Appointments not closing after creating / updating
  • Ability to select an appointment host that is also a guest on the appointment and vice versa
  • Ability to create appointments with the same start date as ending date
  • Wrong email template when inviting a new guest to an already existing appointment
  • Program not updating after linking or unlinking a program step
  • Program step link select input not updating after creating new program steps
  • Numerous missing dutch translations
  • No error message when adding duplicate date, e.g. a property with the same name
  • Customer portal program step form missing chapters an text form items
  • When adding a new guest to an appointment the appointment stays unsaved
  • "Update your own profile" button is on every user when not able to edit instead of only yourself
  • Rich text editor toolbar background not uniform
  • Working hours not accepting night shifts